Thursday, May 29, 2008


Just a quick note, couldn't get the page to justify so just left how it is, computer is playing up something chronic, so this was meant to be an email. Any problems, just let me know. Have fun marking



Internet Dating does not isolate people from society; it provides the tools needed to integrate people who would normally not be accepted, into society. People who use Internet dating as opposed to conventional mainstream dating are sometimes subjected to the label of a stereotype; a last resort for someone and a desperate attempt to find their soul mate. Yet, most of the sites suggest the majority of clients are young, enthused and opportunistic females and males who are simply trying to broaden their chances at finding a suitable partner to build a life with. Internet dating “…has become a mainstream way to meet someone special,” [Lukat 2008, p1]. The success rate and possible reasons behind it becoming socially acceptable so quickly is linked to Hollywood directors such as Gary David Goldberg who released ‘Must Love Dogs’ (2005) and Nora Ephron who’s film ‘You’ve Got Mail’ (1998) shattered the stigma attached to Internet Dating. This once frowned upon matchmaker has now become a tool to turn that frown upside down.

People use internet dating “both as a roadmap for the offline world and as a destination to meet people.” [Madden 2008, p1] This tool is so valuable to people who may be shy or lack the confidence to initiate dates or get out into the dating scene, and as far as the dating scene goes it has never been so cold, cruel or scary as it is now. In conventional dating, ‘hitting the town’ or hanging out at bars and clubs trying to find a prospective partner has never been more difficult or time consuming, not to mention the fear factor; of being rejected. Cupid doesn’t always shoot his arrows in the right direction. A major blow of rejection can kill your self-esteem and it is a slow recovery back to confidence. Even the most confident of people struggle in this harsh dating scene. This is why internet dating is an ideal way to look for prospective partners as it keeps your confidence and spirits high. Introverted and/or extroverted people gain “...a sense of empowerment from their online dating experiences,” [Armstrong 2008, p1] and “…such experiences can facilitate self knowledge and personal growth,” [Turkle 1997, p185] which integrates people who would normally not be accepted in society.

Kraut’s well known Home Net study found that “…the greater the introversion of a person, the more likely they were to use the internet for online romance.” [Kraut 1998, p162] This was also the case in Peter, Valkenburg and Scouten’s report titled ‘Cyberpsychology & Behavior’ in which they say introverted people “…were more strongly motivated to communicate online to compensate for lacking in social skills. This increased their chances of making friends online. Among introverted people, a stronger motive for social compensation also led to more frequent online communication and online self disclosure, resulting in more online relationships,” [Peter, Valkenburg & Scouten 2005, p1] which may then move into relationships offline.

There are many possible reasons for introverted people struggling with dating as opposed to extroverted people such as nerves and letting fear take over. Both in which hold them back from showing who they really are and/or avoiding dating altogether. Also the fear of not being accepted for who they are, their beliefs and background, being insecure about their appearance, having a disability or being of a mature age. These factors contribute to the growing number of people searching for their soul mate on line.

Although “…social identity, social interaction and relationship formation may be different on the internet than in real life” [McKenna and Bargh 2000, p57-75], and the effort and time in which is put into Internet Dating in comparison to conventional mainstream dating are vastly different. The rules and guidelines remain similar and the goal/end result in which one finds their soul mate; is exactly the same.

“In 2007, 7.8 million single Britons used some form of online dating service to find romance compared to 5.4 million who used a mixture of offline and online services in 2005.” [Lukats 2008, p1] Internet Dating provides you with a lot of options, “…you get to see so much about a person, such as age, previous marriages, number of kids they have or want, religion, occupation, what they’re looking for,” [Warlick 2008, p1] in a person and relationship. These factors contribute to better communication within the friendship and/or relationship.

Internet dating provides the means of communication between introverted and/or extroverted people. Creating a level playing field for all, who wish to be in this game. Internet dating is genius it makes up for the things that conventional dating lacks, by allowing you to seek a person who has the attributes and personality traits that suit your personality and life style. It also gives both parties honest self expression, without the fear of not being rejected or not accepted, an easier option to talk about oneself, and the pace in which you move within the relationship. Many relationships in conventional mainstream dating often start off as a physical attraction, whereas by comparison internet dating builds a core communication structure which involves: getting to know each other, creating boundaries, finding each others limitations, and forming an emotional connection, and if and when there is a meeting; physical attraction will then come into play.

The weight of evidence clearly articulates that Internet Dating clearly does not isolate people from society and that it is the necessary tool to help introverted people find their place in society; without the pressures of ‘normal’ society weighing on their shoulders. Clearly whilst Internet Dating is not seen as the only way of meeting a partner, it is a very accepting, exciting and liberating way of being back in the dating scene or continuing with your search for your ideal partner. Differences are often misunderstood in society and seen as a bad thing; but this conflict must be assessed by each individual as to whether or not it is right or wrong for them. It is obvious that risks and benefits exist in all forms of dating so ultimately the decision rests with the individual. But integration into society is a major benefit of internet dating.


Armstrong, Natalie (January 02 2008) Online dating ‘sad and frustrating’

Ephron, Nora (dir) (2005) Must Love Dogs (Motion Picture)

Goldberg, Gary David (dir) (1998) You’ve Got Mail (Motion Picture)

Jochen, Peter, Patti M. Valkenburg, Alexander P. Schouten October 1 2005,‘Cyberpsychology & Behavior

Lukats, Victoria (January 18 2008, pg.1) M2 Presswire, Wire Feed

McKenna, Kately, Bargh, John 2000, ‘Plan 9 from Cyberspace: The implications of the internet for personality and social psychology, p57-75 Business Source Premier implicationsoftheinternetforpersonalityandsocialpsychology,

Pew Internet & American Life Project ‘Romance blossoms on the internet’ Press Releases- Short Summaries of our research reports and other project news (2008)

Turkle Sherry 1984, The Second Self, Simon & Schuster, New York, America

Turkle, Sherry 1997, Life on the screen identity in the age of the internet Simon & Schuster, United States of America

Warlick, Heather February 11 2008, ‘Online dating goes mainstream’, McClatchy – Tribune Business News Washington, Wire Feed

Whitty, Monica & Carr, Adrian N. (2006) Cyberspace Romance: The psychology of Online Relationships Palgrave Macmillian

Essay: Internet Dating

THESIS STATEMENT: Internet Dating does not isolate people from society; it provides the tools needed to integrate people who would normally not be accepted, into society.

Rest to be posted friday afternoon by 4pm

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lecture 12


Electronic civil liberties/creative commons/free and open source software

Electronic Frontier Foundations are currently defending NSA/AT&T alleged spying case, where government allegedly wire tapped the internet community going through San Fransisco


Alternative way to license content


Copyright, creative commons and no copy rights

Scheme CC challenges regular copyright by allowing creator to specify conditions of use of their work.

Frees up content for remixing and reuse

You can use the work as long as you do not make any profits from it.



Youtube clips were hilarious

Lecture 11


The Ethics of peer-to-peer file sharing

Before the 20th century people had their own music that they sang, played and passed from one generation to the next and that the idea if paying for music and movies which (eventually) are given away for free on radio and tv.


DOCO called Steal this film

REQUIRED READING: Copyright and peer-to-peer music file sharing: The Napster Case & the Argument against legislative Reform

Lecture 10

Lecture 10

Philip K. Dick

Blade Runner


1. Hackers vs corporations
2. Artificial intelligence and post-industrial dystopias

REQUIRED READING: T.J.LeGrice, An exploration of what it is to be human (2000)

Lecture 9



· Science fiction genre based inherent in computer, genetics and body modification in the near future.

Common Themes

1. hackers vs corporations
2. artificial intelligence and post-industrial dystopias

FILM ‘noir sensibility’ - black sensibility


· US/Canadian writer
· You need to re-read his stories until you get them
· Few clues as to what is going on his stories

BURNING CHROME-re-occurring themes

· The future is revolutionized by the networked computers
· Global corporations eclipse government as the source of power
· The malleability of human identity

REQUIRED READING: Wiliam Gibson’s ‘Burning Chrome’ from the short story collection Burning Chrome



1. technology and mythology
2. utopia and dystopia
3. cities as machines
4. technological change
5. Modernism and Post-Modernism


New media studies category

Popular cyberculture
Cyberculture studies
Critical cyberculture studies
Contextualizing interactions
Discoursing cyberculture
Online access and barriers
Digital design




Prisoners chained in a cave were unable to look behind them or to the side; they had to face the wall in front of them. A fire burned behind them and in between that puppeteers could pass through and they had to make shadow puppets which were meant to frighten the prisons.

This is when Plato’s theories come into play. Plato suggests that the terms in which they describe /say what they can see, the shadow. It is merely what their language refers to as the shadow, that passes before their very eyes. Rather than (what is correct in plato’s view) to the real things that cast the shadow.

So what he is really trying to say is that the shadow is not a book, the shadow is of a book or from the book.

The general terms of our language are not “names” of the physical objects that we can see. They are actually the names of things we can only grasp with the mind.

Lecture 8

Lecture 8

Video Games Studies

1.Video Games Studies- types
· Arcade
· Console
· Computer games
· Muds
· Mmog’s

Required Readng: Chapter 3 ‘Unreal Cities’ pg83-107 from Steven Poole’s ‘Trigger Happy’ (2002)

Tuitorial Task 8b

Tuitorial 8 part 2

Internet Field Trip

I am not much of an msn freak but I do like the occasional hour or two on Instant Messenger on Facebook. Like a flutter at the racetrack; it is a thrill. To talk to people you never get the chance to call and those you email or message, to speak with in that instant is a great thing.

However, I am a first time user of 3D environment socializing. I was a little skeptical coming into this as usually I know the people who I am interacting with and you can normally tell who is be truthful with you, I have acquired a fairly good bullshit detector.

Despite the very obvious differences between a normal Instant messenger and 3D environment socializing there seem to be a lot more differences that are only visible once you scrape the surface. For instance you are in a whole new network of people, most in which you don’t know and even if you do know them unless you know they are on or who they (depend on animation) you would not know it was them. 3D socializing is not so much about catching up on all the gossip or chatting to the people, it is about testing your limits, pushing yourself and learning more about yourself. IM does not have the same flexibility or anonymity as 3D socializing. Active worlds, imvu, habbo hotel and Second Life all share these same attributes. It is more about virtual reality then reality.

The 3 dimensionalism in virtual worlds does not make it any better than IM, only different. Just as it has been stated in the paragraph above, the differences in socializing are mainly the networks that you penetrate. IM is friends and family or friends of friends. Very rarely strangers and 3D socializing is mostly strangers and I guess that is where the interest lies. However for me, I love IM as I love catching up on the wonderful things that go on in my friends lives and as my time is limited it is not viable for me to spend copious amounts of time in a virtual world of 3D socializing as reality is my main focus at this point in time. But for those who wish to make a new and better life, this is your chance.

Good luck with whatever form of communication you choose. Just be sure you do it for the right reasons.

Tuitorial Task 8a

Tuitorial task 8a

Experiences doing the exercises
Were there any problems?
What were the solutions?
Did you find it too simple or confusing?
Can u see how the software might be useful to you.

I found that these exercises were a helpful reminder of the things I learnt in my computer class from primary school to high school. However, since finishing them I have rarely used them. I do not use excel as I am not studying anything to do with math but I could navigate it again if need be, to do pie charts or a spreadsheet. I Can see the usefulness of this software as it would make work life a lot easier. My younger sister Melanie works at a Law Firm as a receptionist (on her gap year) and is constantly talking about spead sheets and how her work life would be made that much harder if it all had to be done by hand. I feel that if I had to do that job I would want a program that could help organize my life.

Lecture 7

Lecture 7

David Cronberg:
· Canadian director
· Worked outside of Hollywood
· Horror melded with sci-fi

MOVIE: Existenz(1999)
· Explores world of games and how obsessive play warps reality
· Bio-port
· Where does virtual reality stop and reality begin

Lecture 6

Lecture 6

Where did computers come from?

Microsoft history of innovation

READING Ch1 from Terry Flew’s ‘New Media’

Tuitorial 6

Evaluating Wikipedia

Is this article accurate?

This article is accurate, a lot of information that I was unsure of due to my knowledge of this particular subject was not as good as I thought.

Does it cover all the basic facts that you’d need to understand this topic?

This article is jam packed of a valuable basic and advanced facts; it is topic that many people no a lot about so there is the element of having a lot of people being able to add to it, however there would normally be a major down fall with that, people wanting to put their 2 cents worth in, but because it is a scientific subject (process) it comes down to the fact that the knowledge of this subject is very detailed but universal.

Does this article follow the wikipedia guidelines for a useful article?

This article follows the guidelines for a useful article. In the General Guidelines, it abides by the article size, updating of pages, building on the web and it provides an edit summary. As far as Content goes it has notability, it sources through wikisource, it does not confuse or have text that have no meaning, it has cite sources and they are appropriately referenced. Classification in this article is well done, sub pages are made to organize the load of information there is, subtitles such as process, chemicals, uses, history, digital, analogue, art and technique are just some of them. The editors are of scholarly background but also some of passion for this hobby or job. There is a discussion page and the behaviours such as etiquette and profanity are hit head on.

Is this article fair and balanced, or is it biased towards a particular side or argument?

This article is not biased in any way, even people who hate this topic can not argue with the facts and process. It is a good old fashions informative piece that leaves you feeling fulfilled with all your questions answered.

What changes would you make to the article to improve it and make it useful for the wider wikipedia community?

In my honest opinion I would not change anything, obviously I am not as yet of scholarly status, so I feel as if my editing would be somehow bias to my love for this particular subject and hobby. As I do it for leisure and work all I have is my own personal knowledge and for a blog that is acceptable but I believe wikipedia is actually becoming more scholarly focused and I would not want to depreciate this quality. The wider community all have an element of this subject in their blood, I don’t know anyone who has never had an affiliation with this hobby/job, so no need to make it more helpful or useful to the wider community.

Lecture 5

Lecture 5

Wikipedia and production of public knowledge
User edited content – accuracy is not that good
Do not use as a reference only a general overview of a specific topic.
Cave Paintings in Norweigh
Primitive communication
origins of alphabet
history of media


Essay Resources1501ART

New Communication Technologies

Semester 1, 2008

Item 1: Academic Essay (1000 words)

Due date: 5pm Friday, Week 12 (30 May 2008)

Worth: 20%


Tuitorial 5

How do the ideas from Walter Benjamin's "Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" apply to contemporary digital media?
The ideas of Walter Benjamin’s ‘Art in the age of Mechanical Reproduction are applicable to contemporary digital media as art has and forever will be open to replication. Whether this depreciates the work of art or makes it better is a test of time, but so far (although Walter Benjamin suggest other wise) there have no huge set backs in the world of art only an increase in popularity and variety of art. Technology lets us edit and revamp old, damaged or art with a few hair line fractures (art can be made better) but I guess the question posed is what is better than the essence of original art?…(the aura as Walter Benjamin named it.)
Walter Benjamin’s theory on the Aura and how it is lost when replicated and/or taken out of it historical context. Also sparks the question should this be called plagiarism or is it infact another piece or form of artwork?

There was a time when "Art" was made by artists who were skilled professionals. Now that anyone with a computer can create things digitally (music, images, videos, etc), what does that mean for "art"?
Artists were once seen as a skilled professional. Put on a pedestal for all to admire and all to aspire to be like. But now days it is the every day person who has no become the artist. Regardless of class, gender, race or sexuality you can be an artist; as long as you have the access to music, images, videos, sketch pads, canvas or a building wall.

This means art has meaning for everyone; this is not a tragedy but a powerful and exciting adventure for the world of art. No longer are you penalized for wanting to create something you are passionate about.

Is a photoshopped image "authentic"?

A photoshopped image should not be considered to be ‘authentic’ as the authenticity lies in the truth of the photo. Although shots can be staged or even taken in relation to a staged event such like the photo taken and the footage shot on ‘The Queen’s Tiara’ by the reputable news organization BBC. Where the photographer provoked the Queen to the point where she made a terrible face and this is what the photographer photographed and then added a rather fake story to go with it and BBC eventually had to admit to it being fabricated.

So it is the photographers and editors job to the viewer the best chance at knowing what really happened by not fabricating or staging the photo.
Do digital "things" have an "aura" (in Benjamin's terms)?

Digital “things” do not possess an “aura”, this is in accordance with Walter Benjamin’s ‘The art of mechanical Reproduction’. The Aura is damaged and non-existent in digital “things”. The replication of art work has caused the aura to be lost.

Lecture 4

Lecture 4
Key moments of old media
studies and cultural studies
history of communication

READING: Walter Benjamin
Original art- authentication as opposed to mass produced art
Aura-when its taken out its historical context, the work of art loses its aura
act of reproduction removes its aura

Tuitorial 4

1. Who was the creator of the infamous "lovebug" computer virus?

De Guzman created the love bug virus.Website:

2. Who invented the paper clip?Norwegian Johann Vaaler invented the paperclip in 1901.Website:

3. How did the Ebola virus get its name?It is named after the river in Zaire where it was first recognized.Website:

4. What country had the largest recorded earthquake?With a magnitude of 9.5 Chile recorded the largest earthquake to date on May 22, 1960.Website:

5. In computer memory/storage terms, how many kilobytes in a terabyte?A terabyte is 1073741834 kilobytesWebsite:

6. Who is the creator of email?The creator of email is Ray Tomlinson 1971Engine:

7. What is the storm worm, and how many computers are infected by it?Storm Worm infects computers with a virus. 1-50 million are infected

8. If you wanted to contact the prime minister of Australia directly, what is the most efficient way?Get in contact with my mate and get him to call him for me, cos he’s good mates with him.

9. Which Brisbane-based punk band is Stephen Stockwell (Head of the School of Arts) a member of?Answer: Black Assassins

10. What does the term "Web 2.0" mean in your own words?Hmm…well couldn’t be bothered writing in my own words so copy and pasted is Web 2.0 is a trend in the use of World Wide Web technology and web design that aims to facilitate creativity, information sharing, and, most notably, collaboration among users. These concepts have led to the development and evolution of web-based communities and hosted services, such as social-networking sites, wikis, blogs, and folksonomies. The term became notable after the first O'Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference in 2004.[2][3] Although the term suggests a new version of the World Wide Web, it does not refer to an update to any technical specifications, but to changes in the ways software developers and end-users use webs. According to Tim O'Reilly

EXTRA QUESTIONS FROM RESOURCES:· How do search engines rank the stuff they find on the internet?

Search engines operate algorithmically which means a procedure or set of rules for solving a problem, especially by computer. Very little input from humans. The contents of every page are analysed to determine how it should be indexed ie. title, headings. The best matches according to the criteria (with usually a short summary containing the title and part of the text will show up on the search)..proximatey search.
· who, or what, makes one page (that you might get in your search results) more useful than another one, so that it is put at the top of your search results?
It comes down to what the browser (person) is seaching for, it is what is best suited that will turn up at the top of the search engine (but you can pay ito get your website to be at the top).
· what are some of your favourite search engines? why do you like one more than others?
My favourite search engine is google because it has never failed to deliver. I have tried other search engines but they always fall short of coming up with the goods.

Lecture 3

Lecture 3
Alphaville and New wave cinema
utopia vs dystopia
French new wave sci-fi
technology is taking over

UTOPIA: a perfect society
DYSTOPIA: a chaotic, imperfect society, opposite of utopia
TECHNOTOPIA: a negative society

READING: Collective articles of Goddard and new wave cinema

Tuitorial 3 part b

To say i am obsessed with the internet is an understatement. It has so much to offer, you can do basically everything on here and i love it because of that. I have been using the internet for about 5 years (obviously alot more now than i used to) I sent my first email in 2006 so a late beginner in regards to chat sites (msn, myspace, facebook, email) but now it has a huge place in my life and heart.Keeping intouch with international friends has become so much easier, now with the click of a few buttons you can be chatting with your friends on the other side of the world. After travelling Europe last year the internet lets me stay up to date with the happenings of my friends.I also see the internet as a way of meeting new friends (because after all you can never have to many friends). I have alot of friends on the internet i have never met, due to distance or just because it is better left a mystery (would we really get on this well in real life). The internet is a form of dream land... Internet dating is a huge social network and it is a very exciting concept to be able to do a search on your perfect man.... so many possibilities...I was influenced to start using the internet for information for assignments at high school and then once influenced to use the internet for communicating with friends when the man i love moved overseas (hence my first email).. Will not go into that because it is a tragic love story (worse than Romeo and Juliette death involved, as yet.Privacy is a huge issue, it scares me that someone at any time can hack one of your accounts, not that i have anything worth getting but still, it is your private world that is invaded. I have virus protection on my computer and i never open applications or emails that are from an unknown source and never send my details via internet unless it is a secure line (but what does that really mean????? very weary)

Lecture 2

Lecture 2
Is email dead?
email phishing
mass media vs personal media
survey of classes media use



Lecture 1

Consider media and technology
learning at griffith
what is communication
what is technology
analogue vs digital
watched a documentary on 2nd life